Sunday, April 5, 2009

Went 2 Mv On a Rainy Day...

Went 2 MV 2 Hav Dinner Wif My Parents...! It was a restaurant called "C-Jade Express"! Da food was not bad...but da portion of it...even a small kid could finish it!

Damn!! It was a long wait but for good food it was worth it...!

My Ice Lemon Tea was Free! Da Manager Saw Me So "Lenglui" He gave me free XD jkjk...It was together with my food...!

My Shiny Plate of Macau Fried Rice XD Finish Everything by myself! Not eve a single grain of rice is left!

My Father Lukin at The Menu...His eyes were extremely wide wen he saw da price! XD

My mother staring at the handsome manager XD jkjk

My father's fried mee! It took him only 5 mins 2 finish everything! ==

My mother's spring chicken! XD even a baby could finish dat!!

After da exciting yet delicious meal, we went 2 watch "Shinjuku Incident" staring Jackie Chan..ofcox da show is rated 18pg but i managed 2 sneak in XD! All those violence fighting scenes were quite eerie though...their heads hands n legs could fly off wen fighting! eve blood could spit out lyk fountain! But i hafta admit da show was great! I would rate it 5 stars if it wasnt fr those violence fights!

Came Home at Around 11:30...and slept! Hafta go to Sports Day and Volleyball practice da next day! Haix Damn Tiring...