Friday, April 17, 2009

Tw0 Exc!t1ng DaY$ aT sKuLl...

THURSDAY!! was thursday!! my fav day bcox...well duno...mayb itz my happi-go-lucky dayXD...!! btw...din finish science work cox laugh too much...damn those 2 jokers...make me, vanessa and joo ann laugh non-stop...!! Oni soma and alvin was da most quiet 1^^!! isa and praveen say i shit and pee wif my hand == dey say itz convenient cox wen i go toilet doesnt nid 2 take off my pants!! lolx...well da reason dey said dat bcox was...erm long story lar...lazy explain xP! Hate seni period!! Damn dat pn chin...make us lyk robot do everything she ask...sit oso cannot stand oso cannot talk oso cannot open mouth oso cannot...argh!!


ntg 2 say...haix lyk duno wat doctor oni...ask students 1 by 1 cum out den test eye vision...lolx!! but it was fun though! especially penguin man go say "F" XD!! lucky mr loh was gud 2 mii...he let me take hw go home do^^ others hafta do fas fas till almost die XD! wah so hapi 2day...!! go purposely knock on "him"...den fas fas run away!! PRS meeting was fun lyk usuall!! al;though 1 bad thing is i hafta find da ppl all over again fr da ice-breaking game TT...damn my careless-ness!! Finish my science work first!! yay!! pity meicheng got bullied by dixy and jasey...XD! lucky i sat partner helena din cum 2day TT...fell so lonely...!! had a gud game of badminton wif karen^^ sweat till lyk bathing ==...saw cyk oso^^...

Okayz folks!! This is da end of my another lame blog!! ADIOS AMIGOS!!