Sunday, April 19, 2009

PRS Rac3 2o09...

Attend-ded PRS race yesterday...damn tiring but extremely fun^^im in group 4~well my ketua is goh pek ying...wish i could b in da same group as my fren!! But too bad shes in group 5 TT...well our first station was da bridge near da skull...we nearly missed da clue dat was hidden!! lucky mr bright eyes(kenny) saw it!! We even cr8ted a kata semangat~It was kinda lame though but it works...

Sum of da games we're quite challenging...wen dey told us 2 walk in da big drain i tot dey we're kidding...but itz true...walking in da big drain finding fr clues...while singing songs...hahax imagine dat~worse den da life of a beggar!!

Wen we stop at karmen and debbie's station...we hafta eat mustard sandwiches!! No im not kidding...da 2 gardenia bread in da middle full wif yellow sticky stuff!! Evry1 in our team gets a chance 2 hav a bite...Well i wouldnt wanna describe bout how it tastes...Bcox im sure you guys noe it~

My favourite was huiying, chung hong and kaili's station whr we hafta find 10 keys and 4 pad locks in a box filled wif -0 degree ice!! My hand was freezing wen i took it out...infact i couldnt even feel my fingers XD

But dat was not all...We stopped at cing cing and chun hoong's station whr we hafta play using basketball...not playing a game of basketball though...Jus play a few games USING basketball...I got 2 team wif a form 2 guy....I hafta kiss da ball and da ball has 2 place at his butt 2 support it from falling!! == haix...after dat my lips eli hurt...cox i hafta kiss da ball hard XD...kenny's 1 was reli funny! He had 2 kiss a form 4 guy but wif a paper in da middle~!

Da Fun Part XD Kenny Lok kissing Kai Wei!^^Dey Seem 2 Enjoy It Veli Much!

Thr's 1 station whr we hafta hold real live sticky worms...eww...!! Hold it den take picture == wonder wat those guys r thinking...amanda was reli funny!! kenny kept on scaring her XD

Lim Zhi Sheng was da 1 hu guide us thru da whole game/race...He was quite gud bcox if itz nt fr him i dun think we would end da race even until midnight!! Well...our last stop was at pizza hut...we hafta take 100 beans out of a box filled wif chilli sauce, a fake lizard and duno wat kind of white sticky thing~

And datz da end 2 it...We're quite dissapointed fr not winning but we're happy cox we reli enjoyed da whole game/race!! wen waking up dis morning...couldnt move cox my body hurts lyk hell!!