Monday, July 13, 2009

Exhibition Day at SMK Sri Sentosa 2009~!!

Woke up at 5:00 a.m. XD Was told by sweelynn to arrive at skull b4 6:45 a.m....2 do sum touch up preparations for da taekwondo club...but wen i wanna leave...i had a stomach ache so hadda go to da toilet...(toilet here i cum!!!) So da result was i arrived late xD but luckily Christopher didnt scold...he was too buzy 2 b scolding me xP...

After that, lined up at da assembly base...wen i was thr already saw my frens n oso our class prefect Tze Yern playin wif da green card wch marks our class's name...i was sittin wen she was playin wif nearly poke my eyeballs out >.<...

Den da official ceremony 2 launch da Exhibition Day started by da arrival of duno wat P.D. sumthin sumthin...Wif our skull's 'Kompang Band'...After that, there was a great performance from 4 representitives from da Latin Dance Club... Gosh~! They were really great...Wish i cud b dancing wif 'him'...

Then it was continued by a singing performance by da winner of Sentosa Idol(i think)...When he was singing it start 2 drizzle xD actually his singing was quite gud...although sum parts it was off da pitch~...but i cant deny it....

Then cum da cheerleaders...Jumping their way high up!! I admired their skills...But im sure if i were about 2 do dat stunt...i would hav been sittin in a wheelchair by now xD
Finally....a Exhibiton Day started...but first da Forms 1 & 2 were sent 2 their respective classes...but bcox da PRS club used our class 2 tie da rafia strings for da banner... our 1a2 students are hard 2 enter...all those students are walking past da strings making it loose n da banner almost falling Cheng Li asked me n Karryn 2 guard da students n asked dem 2 go upstairs if dey wanna cross... i had a fight wif sum of da students...especially boys...bcox dey were so stubborn dat dey were trying 2 squeez their way thru...i wonder watz so hard 2 go upstairs n cross? ==...The da prefect let us go...i breath da sigh of relief for not needed 2 guard anymor as dey sent Mun Wei n Dicsern 2 do it...

I tot of goin 2 taekwondo to do my duty...but as soon as i arive thr...Sherilyn says she doesnt nid my i was thinking ok den jus went off 'gai gai' wif my frens...went 2 a few clubs...i swear i will nvr enter da PBSMs' 1 bcox dey will force u 2 buy stuff!! i entered twice n twice dey forced me 2 buy stuff == .... While i was walking...i noticed dat it was already 10:00 a.m. wch was time for my shift for club immediately i went thr dun wanna b late...den i was given a job 2 stand thr...den greet those who cum in...n man it was tiring...i hadda repeat da same thing every single time!!!

When my shift time was over i was thinking WOOHOO!! but karryn asked 2 stay abit longer....but after around 12 liddat...met up wif vanessa, wendy n, vanessa n meicheng went 2 climb da 'Scout's sky scapper' XD i tink vanessa n meicheng r mad...bcox dey kip on goin if it was lyk a playground for dem...den around 12:45 p.m....helped PRS club 2 clean up was a success for our club dat day...i wonder hows taekwondo doin? well dun wanna noe xD itz non of my business anyways^^...