Friday, November 27, 2009

TaggEd By VaNeSSa^^

A. You prefer :
1.Alcohol or Mineral Water : Alcohol Water xP

2.Blue or Pink : Blue
3.Hot Guys or Cool Guys : Cool~

4.Good Looks or Brains : Half of each
5.Taylor Swift or Taylor Lautner : Taylor Swift
6.Friends or Loved Ones : Friends!!
7."Baby" or "Honey" : Honeyy xD
B. Your/You kind of guy :
1.Alcoholic or Non-Alcoholic :Non-Alcoholic

2.Good or Bad : Bad XD
3.Brave or Cute : Half of each
4.Tall or Short : Tall!
5.T-Shirt or Suite :T-shirt
6.Coat or Leather Jacket: Coat
7.Sunnies or Spectacles : Depends~ xD
8.Caring or Rich :Caring for sure
9.Kisses or Hugs : Hugs!
10.Romantic ?: You bett~!
C.Your/You kind of girl :
1.Cute or Pretty :Cute

2.Sweet or Caring: Sweet!
3.Sports or "Princess Candle" : Sports!!
4.Surprises? : Yeap =D
5.Smile or Frown :Smiless =))
6.Love Quotes or Love Poems :Love Poems
7.Computer Geek or Study Nerd :Computer geek lar.
8.SMS or MSN :MSN for sure~ Save credit xP
9.Forever or Just For Fun :Forever !
10.Hangouts with Friends or Couple Date : Hangout withfriends!!
D.Your Daily Activities :
1.After Breakfast : On9!

2.Before School: Sleep xD
3.During School :Study + Laugh My Ass Off
4.After School : Crap and get wet
5.Night : Singing^^
6.Midnight : Dreaming
7.Holidays : Go on9!
E. Tag 10 people :
1. WeiShan
2. KarRyn
3. Mark
4. WaiKeen
5. SuetYee
6. SweeLynn
7. JiaQian
8. YenTheng
9. KhyeTheng
10. Kimberly
1.What if 9 confesses that he/she likes you ?
- Luv you too xD
2.Will you go out for a couple date with 3 if he/she asks to ?
-Hmm...ill think bout it
3.Is 7 single ?
-Nahh...Shes with me xD
4.Describe 1 :
-Active? xD
5.Will you date 8 ?
-If she wants to date me xD
6.What is 2's nickname ?
-Peanuts XD
7.What do you wish to tell 10 right now ?
-Miss u so much!
8.What is 5 good in ?
-Hmm...not suree~ Crapping? xD
9.If you were to do one thing to 4, what would it be?
-Make him obey me for the rest of my life xD
10.Have you seen 1 cried ?
-Nopp~Alwiz smiling =)
11.Is 2 crazy or geeky ?
-Crazy! xD
12.Will you hold 7's hand and walk around ?
13.What do you think of 6 ?
14.Will you kiss 3 when there is only both of you in the park ?
-*speechless* no no
15.Is 8 sweet ?
-Yeahh =D
16.What is 9's hobby ?

17.Will you date 10 to a high class restaurant ?
-Sure...After that ill stay in the toilet until d bill's settled xD
18.Is 5 fitted to be a maid ?
19.When it started raining, who will you seek for an unbrella ?
-I dont need an unbrella xD Im waterproof xD
20. Where would you go with 1 on a date ?
-Hmm~ Amusement park =D

At last...~Im done!