Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hectic Day in Skul @@

Went skul straight after my tuition classes end...
Datz becox i left my file under my desk and my Maths hw is inside it xD
Clumsy me =P
And i found out Joo Ann too left it but at d Bilik Pengawas~
Well at least thrs sum1 to accompany me xD
But i tink we chit chat mor den we do xD
Later Kylie came!
Then a teacher called d 3 of us wif 3 other girls to help carry d tables back into d room -.-
Gonna b Arnold Schwarzeneger's wife soon xD!
At 12:30pm prefect's ask us to line up~
Then teachers of respective clubs wil bring you to ur meeting place
Im in d Bimbingan & Kaunseling club~
KarRyn too ^_^
But dis time d afternoon and morning session seperate meeting~
So itz abit boring and quiet xD
Dun hav all d sampat seniors voice xDD
Bleh xP
Then we entered class~
Realised Wendy didnt cum today
KarRyn said she was sick~
Get well soon!!
I hafta admit
Today's lesson was...
Especially after recess wen got teacher's meeting
No offence lah but d prefect dat jaga our class...
Talk soft soft oso kenot...
I was sorta pissed off...

Shenni signing off =)

-I jus wanna talk to him...-