Monday, August 10, 2009

My Life...My Fairytale^^

nvm ignore dis my friends...jus sum silly idea's of fairytale...themed Shenni's confusin life >< anywayz... here's how da story of mine goes...
Once upon a time...there lived a prince named CM n a princess named Shenni...Shenni was very much in love with CM but she realised one day, that CM already had sum1 he loved...that is her evil stepsister, Broom that time and day...Shenni broke into tears...

One day, the story about how Shenni was sad bcox she found out dat her prince had sum1 he loves had been heard by the prince while walking along the streets of Islambad one day...and then...the prince went 2 visit princess Shenni...Shenni was shock by his visit...Then...dey sat down together and talk...Shenni reli enjoyed speaking to the one she loved...and then even prince CM got attracted by her funniness n her cute laugh XD dey had so much fun together until dey didnt realised that time had already passed quickly...

Then...Shenni asked prince CM..."Prince the mighty one...i thought you already had da 1 u loved...wch is my stepsister...but why are you still here chattin wif me? arent you afraid that she might kill you?" then the prince replied..."well you see princess Shenni the funny one...we had broke up long ago...and i found out that you had a crush on me but was heart broken after you found out that im with your i came here immediately to tell you the truth..i will accept your love princess Shenni"

After hearing what CM said...Shenni was thrilled to hapiness...she was speechless and didnt know what to say...then she ran n hug prince CM..."oh my beloved prince!! im so happy to hear this news...thus for know...i shall give in myself, my life & my soul for you!!!! You didnt noe how long hav i waited for you in my whole life!!" And then they two share a light kiss...

1 month later...the marridge was held at prince CM's was a joyful event...a lot of VIP's came...and even Kings & Queens...Shenni dressed up in her wedding gown n she looked ugly but adorable...xD even prince CM was reli handsome...infact sum girl guests fainted when dey saw him... xD Time passed and the marridge was over...tears rolled down Shenni's cheeks...she was overjoyed.... And then dey lived happily ever after!!!!


Btw guys...i noe i very perasaan XDXD im a PRS anyway... XDXD well sum of my friends noe hus CM but sum to those of my friends hu noes plz dun reveal it^^ i noe thr is a lot of grammar mistakes n typing errors in that story but jus ignore for once...~^^ tata!!