Friday, June 5, 2009

PuLau PerHenTiAn!! 3/06/09 - 5/06/09

Im back fr mor bloggin dis hols!!! Anywayz...went 2 Pulau Perhentian at 3/06/09 wif mua relatives!!

Woke up at 3am....issh!! start our journey after met up with my aunt n uncle...AROUND 4:30am i guess...nvm at least i can slip in da car xP my mom said da journey wil take fr about 5 - 8 hours!!! OMG...My butt wil b aching....

On my way...XD Jus woke up from sleep
We finally reached at about 12:30 pm...walao...from 4:30am to 12:30pm...8 hours!! Datz quite a long journey...In fact dis is my longest journey trip 2 a malaysian place...dont know how can my father take it by driving dis long >.<>

Name of mua resort... XD funny name huh?

Da crystal clear water...Do u feel lyk dipping urself in it?? XD

Had our lunch first b4 checking in...after that...went into our rooms n changed for SNORKELING!! WEE...!!! Da moment i've been waiting for...!! but too sad...thr werent dat much fishes to see...but sure ill get 2 see mor 2moro wen were goin out in da middle of da sea!! bcox 2day were oni doing in near da resort...

In the evening...we went fr jungle trekking...It wasnt easy climbing up n down da hill...i hadda hold my father's hand all da time XD!! bcox im reli sked ill fall...da road was extremely steep n full of loose rocks!! but im reli glad i made my way up n down safely...although my cuzin slip on da way down n he had a bad cut...but he said he was fine so we were thankful...but wen we reached up view from up thr would reli giv u an experience of a lifetime...u wouldnt even wanna cum down wen u reached up thr...!! as dey say...SUSAH SUSAH DAHULU...SENANG SENANG KEMUDIAN....XD


Woke up at 7:30 for breakfas...after breakfas...da guide bring us out to da sea fr mor snorkeling!!!!!!! YAY!!! On da ride...sum of da people vomitted XDXD Guess they r havin sea sick...but im reli excited...i tink among all of those people im da most excited 1 XD!! Well i nearly got washed away bcox of da strong current...XDXD and then bcum shark's food XD

Felt reli tired n hapi wen we came home(not our home is da hotel)...went on9 at da laptop after tea time wif wendy n chatted all kinds of nonsense XD...Guess what we had fr dinner?? YES...!! Barbeque...!! At long last...a great dinner...we hadnt had any fascinating meals yesterday since breakfas til dinner...but dis time itz diff...!! After n mua cuzins walked around da beach...we took a torch light ofcox...if not it'll b pitch dark...!! we went 2 a few mini markets located a few metres away from our resort...wch is already at other resorts...


After n mua cuzins did a little swimming at da sea...den we bathe n check out!! We decided 2 take da boat cumin at about 12:30pm...but bcox thr was a delay... da kind manager gave us free lunch!!! So we ate n ate n da boat arrived at around 1:30pm n we went bak 2 da mainland at Kuala Besut...

Took da last pict b4 goin home...!!

Another aching 8 hours drive home...!! HAIX!! Anywayz...we had lotsa fun!! But i nid 2 complete my geografi project dat nids 2 b handed on 22 June...*sobs* Well guess dis is another end to my blog...BUHBYE!!