Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tagged By Siew Yiing~

List 10 things that you like about holidays, and another 10 things that you dislike about holidays. After you are done, tag 12 people.

10 Things I Like About The Holidays...
1. Can Go Online Anytime I Want
2. Can Go Shopping!
3. Don't Hafta Wake Up So Darn Early
4. No Homework!
5. Don't Hafta Face My Scary Teachers
6. No Pressure!!
7. Eat and Sleep Anytime I Want
8. Watch TV Everyday and Night
9. No Nid 2 Sing Dat ****ing Song!
10. No Nid 2 Hear Teacher's Babling

10 Things I Dislike About The Holidays
1. Cannot Meet My Frens
2. Cannot Talk Crap With Them
3. Do Lotz of House Chores
4. Cannot c Sum1...
5. Dead Boring...
6. Hafta Face My Annoying Brother...
7. Annoying Little Cousin's Keep Coming Over
8. Gain Weight
9. Get Scolded My Mum Everytime Cox Do Wrong House Chores
10. Miss My Sum1...

Read Dis and I'll Tag You!!