Friday, January 1, 2010

Had My Very First Random Outing Dis Year xD

Itz considered my vry first random outing dis year in 2010~
I went out wif my bro, Hou Yin, Huey Ling, Sym Mun, Sym May & Ah Hoe
Our first destination was at Neway Karaoke in Puchong thr~
My bro drove his Myvy and fetch Hou Yin as well~
Were d first to arrive xD
Followed by Huey Ling~
Wow we had a nice and bigg room xD
We even had our own private toilet xD
Sang sang sang until it was nearly 7pm...
So we left and went to the nearest Pool centre~
Actually thr wrote 18 & below kenot play...
But i stil play and no 1 came and stop me xD
And play play play~
Huey Ling left first
She said she hadda attend sum party of sumthin
Then we oso left
First we said we wanna go Uncle Bernard's hse and take Hou Yin's hp
Becox he left it in Huey Ling's bag xD
But we couldnt find his hse...
Then we decided to take our dinner first as we were starving lyk hell xD
We went to Old Klang Road to hav 'Bak Kut Teh' aka Pork Ribs Soup
Then my bro drove back home and parked his car~
Cox my dad asked him no nid drive his car to Uncle Bernard's hse...
So we all sat Sym May's car thr~~
D car lyk kenot move xDD
We had a road trip xD
AGAIN we lost our way in finding the way to Uncle Bernard's house xD
So we decided to call those uncles and ask for direction
At last we managed to arrive safely at our destination xDxD
We stroll until when we arrived it was already 1130 pm xD
So that'z d end of our outing xD