Sunday, December 6, 2009

Not-So-Lovely Mondays xD

Hey ya'll x)

Back to my blogging mood ~.~

Jus came back from tuition...

And yeah itz freaking cold again

Vanessa wore a nice lil' jacket xD

So gud fr her xD

Thx to me hu asked her to wear wan xDD

But dis time im not dat cold bcox i wore a black shirt

And black absorbs heat xDD

Smart eih? xD


D guy hu sat behind kept kicking my leg -.-

I tink his name is Koi Cheng Han or sumthin like dat

Vanessa said his leg was long...

Aiyo cut it off la xDD

Lolz jus jk nia xD

Speaking bout tuition...

I jus remembered sumthin dat Sir told us quite a long time ago xD

But b4 i start...


To sum people...

Dis might be a lil' disgusting xD

But dun wori not porno -.-

So only open minded people shud read this...



D stuff sir told us bout is...

Y sumtimes when u fart it smells and sumtimes it doesnt xD

It smells is because when u never realease de feaces for a few days...

It will be collected at your i tink uterus xD(tel me at my cbox if im wrong)

Then it will start to rot...

And it will giv out dat smelly gas...

And it doesnt smell because it is only air from ur stomach xD

-Shenni signing off x)-
Ta-ta peeps ♥