Thursday, September 17, 2009

PinG PonG ManiAc xD

Went 2 skull early to have a fun game of pingpong wif Kylie & Karen^^ Oh yea im reli sorry to both of u guys 4 being late especially Kylie...for not making in time wen im da one hu told u to cum early...SRY!! Btw dat was fun =DD we got in contact wif a spider xDD it was on da half of another pingpong table~ so 3 of us dun dare to touch it and in the end...we end up wif oni 1 table xDD but at atleast were still able to play as we can stick half of da table on da wall xDD

Then, came MinYu, DanielLing, Shitty pose guy xDD and a guy named erm dun reli noe xD jus cal him A bah xDD then MinYu & DanielL wanted to take da other table but Kylie warned dem dat thr's a spider thr but dey dont seem to care~ well itz their prob if da spider bit them xD then dey nid da other table wch da 3 of us r usin~ so...we were lyk okay jus gave dem da table den we used half of it~ smart huh? xD

Gud game between me against Kylie & Karen xD den da A kip on accidentally smacking me wif da ball lolz~ den ltr my body hurts everywhr~ well not EVERYWHR la xD den me and Kylie were laughing non stop bcox of sumthin xDD datz y we cant reli play well xDD ltr me and Kylie got tired so we "minta diri" first~ xD