Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Hari Raya!!

Didnt reli study much today~ =D bcox got two ceremonies in one row xD all bcox dey jus announced that dis friday is a skull holiday! although skull holiday but i still gotta go skull TT got practice for dis saturday's Majlis Perpisahan PRS~ got RM1 duit raya from da headmistress =D not lucky enuff 2 get da RM100 or RM50 wan~ Meicheng la take away all my luck xD kip on making me laugh xDD den got performance from us xD but vry cacat gehh~ i dun hav geh nehh itu Kylie la xD but ofcox i dun blame u jus joking xD den...Happy Holidays Guys!! Gonna miss all of u so damn much TT jus wan remind u guys to study during hols cox exam's cumin! Dun go pak to or 24 hours play xDD

Btw jus wanna say...

ILY[ღ ]