Monday, June 1, 2009

TaeKw0nDo Kur$uS 2o09...

Went for taekwondo kursus organised by the AJKs...Fun but tiring...i also had a chance to do some stunts that i'll giv u a heart attack...XD Our group name is 'Moukwai' fish...Im also not that sure wat that means...but i tink is concerning of a ghost...our flag was reli weird n funny^^ We drew a fish bone in the middle XD I'm in team 3 and da members are...
KETUA - Zhi Hao
AHLI - Mii
Swee Lynn
Sherilyn Chew
Xiang Ling aka Mashimaro
"George Hu"
*Unknown Form 2 guy*
Hahax...I call 'him' George Hu bcox he reali luks lyk 1^^...anywayz...played a lot of crazy games!! da 1 datz da scariest is dat we hafta jump of da first floor!! but ofcox thr's tilam below...but itz still scary...and we also hafta climb to the first floor...i wonder what happens if i fall...guess my head wil b squashed lyk a watermelon...haix im da odd 1 among 99% of dem bcox im da only 1 doesnt know how 2 listen 2 mandrin....! so wateva their talkin bout i dun understand a single thing n hadda ask "George Hu" 2 translate..!!
My group^^ Extra 1 people and less 5 ppl that is not thr...took it while their discussing hu's da murderer in a game called 'C.S.I"

Sherilyn Chew^^ I curi-curi take her pic while she's waiting for her mother XD