Sunday, May 31, 2009

PRS KurSu$ 2o09...

Exhausted!!! But fun^^ n not to mention disgusting...XD Went fr PRS Kursus organised by Form 4 PRS...~ Theme was WILD SAFARI... Named our team u know y we choose dis? bcox we luv 2 eat chipsmore XD Anyway...Datx our group's flag XD i tink itz a combination of a unicorn n a goat XD Btw Adrian Loh painted it so thx^^!

First Day of PRS Kursus... We did... :


Punethan did most of da talkin...we think we didn't do dat well...but still ok...i luv our cogan kata and oso our clap...infact i think we earned sum marks from that^^


Cookin^^ our group made.... for main dish is maccoroni with black pepper chicken...side dish(1)...fried crab meat... side dish(2)...sausage with cucumber on-a-stick...dessert...brownies with ice-cream...and it was delecious^^~ i didnt do much of da cookin thoung...i jus help 2 cut stuff^^


Nid 2 complete 10 stations within 3 hours~! got wet in most of da game... got a few pics fr da game at da padang...~ and it was da most disgusting place n game i've played in my life...!! imagine holding ur frens leg n crawling over a big pool of mud...EWW!! There's 1 incident happened...bcox punethan was too excited...he accidentally kick his leg at zhi yang's mouth and...da mud went in zhi yang's mouth XD OMG!!

Lolx...Choo-choo leg train XD

Cing cing still can pose...XD

Hor Kuan, Zhi Yang & Punethan bcumin spiders XD

Im like a sandwich filling in the middle XD

On da 2nd day of PRS tay first gave a short speech...then we played water balloons...but in the end they use bottles instead... XD Didnt get much wet...bcox we(me n akr) try 2 avoid those hu r srayin water...then played detective was fun n exciting...the murderer turned out to b the wife == we almost won!! but group 5 stole our fame & fortune...TT least we won sumthin...dat is masakan terbaik!! ^.^ Took a few pics of our group^^ dont know why melvin is thr even though hes not in our group...~

Random Group Pic 1

Random Group Pic 2

Random Group Pic 3