Friday, June 26, 2009

Gr3aT DaY~....26/06/2009!!

B.M. -
Ran here n thr non stop x) wen reading out names for those hu mus pass up science buk...isa suddenly came it snatch it out of my hand == fark him == but nvm...i told myself 2 b patience bcox hes alwiz liddat....den nid 2 go 2a8 2 find mr.loh 2 giv him da attendance...den started copying my notes...

Siviks -
lolx mr loh asked kasturi 2 copy those notes on da board....lazy fellow x) jkjk...den he told me to tell da whole claz wch group dey r da arm chair competition during open day...i read it reli fas at first den mr loh shouted at my ear say dun read so fas XD i didnt hafta copy sivik notes bcox sir asked me to do sum work XD hafta ask da leaders of da arm chair competition group to tink of a name....dat was reli fun bcox u'll b gettin all kinds of funi names XD my group leader was VANESSA n our group name is CHIPMUNK xd funi huh? we got it from alvin XD long story....

Sat wif meicheng, karryn, vanessa, thanusha, wendy, amanda, cheryll and jacklyn. Vanessa kip on babling bout ng david...but she shud thank me cox if without me she wouldnt hav met him XDXD *perasan-ing* i was lyk hitting her bcox a little jealous XDXD no 'him' enuff di....XDXD

Science(extra) -
did a little wendy discussed bout our last hw...ntg much 2 say...

Maths(extra) -
sir gave us a few work...but again didnt nid 2 do... XD bcox mr loh asked me 2 find 3 malay guys 2 sign sth....but dey were prayin so i hadda wait til dey finished thank god XD

Geografi -
Da claz was extremely noisy == it cud even burst ur eardrums XD den mr michael gave dem a gud shout XD but i tink mr michael's teaching was much better den cik ling's...

Goin home was reli exciting XD bcox i was walking right beside 'him'....^^ den i act-ed cool XD but i was reli reli hapi....although did not dare 2 luk at 'him' XD and also...john suddenly danced infront of me XD