Monday, December 13, 2010

Phuket Day 2

Woke up at 7:30am
Mum & I plan to go for a swim b4 breakfast
But unfortunately
It was raining
So we went to have our breakfast first

After that
She duwan swim dy
So i go myself
Swim halfway
Raining -,-
Went back up and bathe

Then headed out for a day trip around Phuket
Uncle Simon booked 3 vans to pick us up 

Our first stop was visiting the Elephants
Man, it stinks XD
I fed a banana to one of the elephants :P
And its sliver drooled and drop on my finger ==
But it was fun and experiencing XD

Then we headed to sumwhr
To take pictures with the nice background :)

Headed to sum Medditeranian restaurant for lunch
The food I had was okay
Satisfying enough XD

Our 3rd stop of the day
Go-Kart :D
Uncle Simon, Uncle Bobby, Uncle Steven, Kah Lok and Le Syuen sat the Go-Kart
Others saved their pockets :P

We headed to the Cashewnut Factory
No one bought anything thr
Cause the prices were dead expensive -.-

At night
We were brought to a market
The song Sorry Sorry by Super Junior was heard playing :P
My mum bought sum kerabu thingy XD
It was deliciouss :)
Didnt buy anything
Cause the prices thr were also quite high

Went for dinner at sum fancy, nicely decorated restaurant :)
The food thr was well
Nice as well xD
And we bought a cake to celebrate the December babies's birthday :P

Went back to the hotel
Had massage nearby XD
It was...nice :P
But geli lah 
The lady keep smilling at me -,-
I got annoyed so i jus close my eyes XD
Then all of us went to Bangla Street
Whr alot of AQUAS were thr
They were scary @@
Theres even alot of pole dancing
Nearly the whole street is full of those "stuff" and all pubs
I behtahan dy so I went back to the hotel with one aunty as she too, wanna bring her kids back XD