Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tag from Amanda :D

3 RULES ::

1. Do not change the question. Remember, we know what you are changing.
2. The friends tagged must do the same.
3. Do not peek at the questions before you write the names.

Can you name 31 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 31 people. 

1. Adeline
2. Adelynn
3. Amanda *tag u back ;P*
4. Carmen
6. Ho Min
7. Jasmine
8. Jing Fong
9. Joan 
10. Karen
11. Khye Theng
12. Kimberley
13. Lei Yun
14. Mae-chel
15. Melody
16. Sarah
17. Selena
18. Serene
19. Soma
20. Joo Ann
21. Suet Yee
22. Swee Lynn
23. Tat Sheng
24. Valerie
25. Ying Lee
26. Yi Shin
27. Yun Jet
28. Kylie
29. KarRyn
30. Yen May
31. Vanessa


• How did you meet 10?- Karen
ANS: Primary school xD

• What would you do if you had never met 6? -Ho Min
ANS: Duno xD

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated? -Joo Ann & Melody
ANS: OMG my wife berlaku curang xD

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be? - Ho Min & Mae-chel
ANS: Cant make up my mind xP

• Did you ever like 9? -Joan
ANS: Sure :)

• Have you ever seen 4 cry and ask for his mommy? -Carmen 
ANS: Nah xD

• Would 4 and 17 make a good couple? -Ally & Ashley
ANS: HAHAHAHA! NO! Danilo would kill ALLY! xD

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple? - Carmen & Jasmine
ANS: Dont think so :X Cause their both GIRLS XD

• Describe 8. - Jing Fong 
ANS: My daughter-out-of-nowhere XD

• Do you like 12? -Kimberley
ANS: Ofcause :D

• Tell me something about 17. -Selena
ANS: Pretty gal :)

• What's 7's favorite color? -Jasmine
ANS: Hmmmph...Black?

• What would you do if 1 just confessed he/she liked you? -Adeline
ANS: awh...i'll accept you XD

• When was the last time you talked to number 15? -Melody
ANS: Hmmph cant rmb :x

• How do you think 19 feels about you? -Soma
ANS: She thinks im crazy ;P

• What language does 13 speak? -LeiYun
ANS: Mandrin! Which i'm a banana and can hardly understand each time she speaks xD

• Who is 2 going out with? - Adelynn

• What year is 16 in? - Sarah
ANS: Same year as me :)

• What is 5's favorite music? -Crystal
ANS: Not sure :/

• Would you ever date 13? -Lei Yun
ANS: Ofcourse! XD

• Is 11 single? -Khye Theng
ANS: Guess so

• What is 10's last name? - Karen
ANS: Li Lin? xD

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7? - Jasmin
ANS: Sure, if i had the chance to xP

• Where does 18 live? -Serene
ANS: Duno

• What do you think about 20? - Joo Ann
ANS: My hyper wife xD

• What is the best thing about 30? - Yen May
ANS: An awesome friend hu can lend me a listening ear :)

• What would you like to tell 14 right now? - Mae-chel
ANS: Hi? xD

• How did you meet 21? - Suet Yee
ANS: Secondary school :)

• What is the best and worst thing about 2? - Adelynn
ANS: BEST: She massages me XD  WORST: She can zat me until vry chi gek sumtimes xP

• Are you going to know 3 forever? - Amanda
ANS: Yeahh! Hope so :)

• How long have you known 26? - Yi Shin
ANS: Err, 1 year perhaps xD

• Who is 24? - Valerie
ANS: A friend :)

• Are you or did you ever date 28? -Kylie

• Do you have a crush on 27? - Yun Jet
ANS: LOL No way man xD

• Would you kiss 25? - Ying Lee
ANS: Can I? xD

• Have you hugged/kissed 22 until he/she couldn't breathe? -Swee Lynn

• Would you french kiss 21? - Suet Yee
ANS: Woahh no xD 

• What do you hate about 23? - Tat Sheng
ANS: Likes to annoy me sumtimes -.-

• What's your relationship with 18? - Serene
ANS: Friends 

• Will you invite 29 to your party? -KarRyn
ANS: Definitely! A party is not a party without her around :)

• Is 31 your best friend? -Vanessa
ANS: Hmmp just a close friend i can say :)