Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let's Make Wishes Outta Airplanes :)

Give Yen May zat dao 99 today -.-
Lei hou yea xD
Ngo yan lei :x

Got back my BM, Science, Maths and KH test papers already
Quite satisfied...

Sum commotion went on during recess
Really screw those guys man
Nothing better to do -.-
Always cr8 trouble
Pity the mak cik ><
She scold until cry dy

And a friend of mine,
Whos a prefect
Also got scolded by her 
She said my friend did not do her duty
But she cant reli be blamed
Cause the whole canteen,
Shes the only prefect incharge
And also
There's a big group of boys thr
So she didnt reli saw

Cheer up my friend :)
Everyone believes that this is not ur fault
Its those idiots who have nothing better to do in life then making a fuss
I oso behsong those guys dy...
Since what happened last time :x