Friday, July 23, 2010

Hari Pameran 23/07/10'

I'm hell of a tired -.-
Walking round d whole school selling tid-bits for my club
But seems like no one wanna buy :'(
But still,
I had fun selling it with Crystal :)
Den later with KarRyn and YenMay :D

Itu Vanessa and MeiCheng
Forced me to go touch d fake patung
Which looks like a real doll actually
Dey go ask me touch it wtf xD
I go stare at its eyes and im sure 100% its a real human
But dey go lie to me say its fake wtff xD
Dey keep pushing me until i accidentally go touch its chest :x
Wanna scare me -.-
Thanks god i ran away fast without being scared xP

Others all went home at 3pm
Melanie chatted with me fr awhile b4 going home
Den I had volleyball practise which is scheduled until 5pm D:
Not really practise actually
Everyone was like playing around -.-
And I felt so left out...
Cause Im d oni 1 thr hus not part of their 'gang' ...
So I decided to go home even its not 5pm yet :x

Especially HER
Always ordering people around
Like shes d boss
But she ownself oso cant play properly -___-
ZZZ hate dat b**** :x