Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thailand Trip Day 2

The 2 other girls couldnt wake up in time...
So Uncle Lim came in and wake us up xD
Got scolded by him xDD
Went to da lobby to hav our breakfas...
Then we got up is d bus and started our journey to Trang...
D duration is nearly 2 or 3 hours
Wen arrived...
They brought us to "Le Khaokob Cave"
We sat on a boat and entered d cave...
It was quite a scary ride xD
And u hafta lie down on dat boat becox it is onli less den 30cm high in sum place in dat cave >.<
So i nearly kissed d ceiling of d cave xD
But it was fun xD
Here r d pics =D :

After that checked in our hotel =D

I tink d hotel here was much better then at Hatyai's wan xD

No offence ehh xD

They brought us to Thailand's TESCO after dinner xD

They wanna buy towel for tommorow's snorkeling xD

All oso forgotten to bring xD

So that's it for today xDDD

I noe Day 2 wan is quite short cox most of d time spent in d bus @@

Look out for Day 3's post =D