Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to Matthew Yong & Wan Hou Yin! =D

First I'll start with Matthew...Ok~ Happy 13th Birthday to You! Hop you prosper xDD
He has been my classmate since erm...I can't even remember xD LOL...Until Standard 6... As far as I remember... He has been the most quiet and doesn't reli interact much~ Not to mention, hes pretty smart too =D Now hes currently in SMK Taman Desa~ I guess datz all~ Ntg much more to say xD Hav a great birthday! =)

Now is Hou Yin's turn =) Happy 17th Birthday to you :)! Hop you prosper as well xDD seems i hav jus known him dis year :) Hes d son of a friend of my father~ And these days there are lots of gathering wif my Father's friend. So that's to how i know him xD Hes quite a funny guy and likes to make jokes. Short right? xD But i guess datz all i hafta say =D Hav a great birthhday! And also gud luck in ur SPM^^!

Signing off again! xD
Ta-ta ♥