Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Final Day of My Memorable Form 1~

B4 i start my post...
What do you guys tink of d 'pic? xD
Took it wif my fav "Mr. Bacteria" xDD seems another splendid year of my education is coming to an end...time sure passes fas huh? Especially when ur really having fun...
Now i jus wish dat d exam's end slower...><
Sum of u guys noe y~
Lotz of things hav happened during d skul days...
And lotsa things hav changed the way we live...
And hu we are right here, right now...

Guess i'll b missin my frens lotz!

Even though can stil communicate wif dem...

But cant c their pretty faces wif bright smiles :)

So im gonna b missin dat fr quite awhile...

But if now i say itz gonna b a long holiday...

But within Seconds, Minutes, Hours...

Im already starting my new year of education in Form 2 ;)

So 2day i had spent my few precious Form 1 hours carefully...

But i didnt reli xD

Cox spent most of it crapping wif frens xD

especially those close ones...

Yeah Kylie, I'll get you for this!

Kar-Ryn's peanuts pass by our class...

And i started to make fun of her~ xDD

Oh yeah!

Me n Kylie made a new dance move XD

Please request if u want to c it...

For ur reminder...itz not F.O.C xD


MinYu came into our class at d 6th period to tel wch class were in next year~

Suddenly every1 in 1a2 were lyk surrounding him xD

And yay!

Im goin in 2a2 wif my frens...

Congratz to others too^^


During d majlis Meicheng & I laughed alot xDD

Even though Mr. Lee was only standing right infront of us xDD

Y cant we hav freedom on d last day of skul?!

Last day oso wan check -.-


Btw say Mr. L.I.L.Y played football yesterday ><

He was really gud (no offence)

I knew he was gonna play xP

Since he likes football that muchh...

Not to mention...



Bro came to fetch me oni at bout 7pm!!

So i waited at d school's pondok thr...

And not to mention itz raining moderately...

And thrs a fierce yet cute dog thr xD

HanZhen kept on kacau-ing d dog...

So i jus stood thr n watch xD


To Helena,

Don't shed ur tears...Bcox im sure you'll still be happy at 2a1~ And even though ur'e not in d same class anymor, we'll still be with you no matter what! And i stil rmb d days when were sitting together. Yeah! We had lotsa fun xD crapping around xD So im stil gona miss yah!


What im currently doing:

1. Updating dis post

2. Sms-ing with Vanessa & CTS

3. Playing Bejewled Blitz & Big Kahuna Reef

4. FB-ing

5. Chattin wif Kylie, Meicheng, Wendy, Mark & YueSum

6. Yawning xD

7. Thinking bout d outing

8. Scolded by bro bcox playing wif his bamboo stick xDD

9. Laughing til my jaws drop xD

10. Planning on how to kill Kylie xD


It seems i've come to the end of my another post again x) Datz all for now~ Bye bye peeps xP












ILY[♥] Mr. L.I.L.Y