Saturday, November 7, 2009


Woke up at 8:50a.m. and start 2 on d com =D
Cox too sien~ duno what to do ><
Then went into facebook~
ntg much as well~
so ive decided to start blogging...
even though thr's ntg much i wanna post bout xD
anywayz ill start...
Went to uncle's condominium yesterday~
Fun yet bored at d same time xD
D adults were drinking downstairs
While all d kids are playing upstairs...
But we make lotz of noise by screaming n stuff xD
2moro neighbour sure cum complain... xD
Sry yarh uncle~
Den here cums d fun part...
Those 'big kids' went into one another's fb acc or profile to find whether we got bf/gf anot ><
Lucky thr's ntg in my profile that cud b found xD
Im so innocent anyways xP
The non-innocent ppl was my bro n a fren called Lim Kah Lok (aged 12)
Btw i tink i drank too much green tea XD
im stil so 'high' even though itz 2:00 a.m. ><
so chatted wif Meicheng, Wendy, Kylie & Waikeen...
But eventually at around 2:30 a.m.++...
I forced myself to bed xD
I slept so yet but woke up so early xD
Cant sleep datz why ><
I tink i'll end my post here~

Am I really making the right decision?