Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Came 2 skul abit early today~
Then when lunch time, crapped with Kylie, Nicol, Ji Qing, Yun Jet & Wei Yu xD
Doing 'dirty' craps xDD
You dun wanna noe xDD
D table arrangement changed ><
So i sat wif Kylie! Wee~
But kena kicked by her everytime xD
We crapped 'dirty' stuff again most of d time xD
Played truth or dare during B.M. period with Kylie, KarRyn, JooAnn, Kasturi & Adelynn~
Not to mention we saw Cikgu Kamal & Cikgu Phaiz wif their kids!!
Miss dem so muchh ><
Before P.J. went to put d stack of textbooks at beside 1a4~
Thr were 3 stacks all togeda~
I carry a stack at first den Kylie carried 2 stacks~
The halfway i carry 2 stacks and ran xDD
I shudnt hav done dat ><
Bocx after dat i really got backache!! ><><
Luckily on d staircase u met a fren from 1a6!
She helped me to carry a stack of book up...
Thx so muchh!!
Cik Lim didnt cum today~
So Pn. Lau relieve~
Btw a form 2 gal borrowed my pinafore bcox her fren *akhem*
So...hop my pinafore itz back in my hands safe n sound!
Played volleyball again xD
And i laugh alot insted of playing xDDD
Meicheng you know why XDXDXD
I just luv a good laughter =D