Saturday, October 31, 2009

WatSup? @@

Watsup my beloved bloggers!!!
Miss me? xD
Hah bet u do xD
Gosh exam's r seriously killing me @@
Why does d kementrian hafta drag until 6 of Nov TT
Haix nvm bah...
Complaining doesnt chg anything~
Anyway guys~
Planning fr d upcoming hols...
But dun wish to travel overseas xD
except for neighbouring countries...
Sked of d disasters datz gona happen!!
Since now got global warming ><
But if my parents insist to go...
I hav no choice T.T
And guess what?
Thr's good news for my BM =)
Not sure of d marks...
But i checked my marks at tuition
And i get overall of 70% !!
To me that's gud news xD
No 'C' is better than anythin~
Then i heard my Sejarah got 68%
Not vry gud news but...
As i said...
No 'C' is better than anythin!!
And i think i increased^^ 'think' oni~
Btw congrats 2 Kylie for obtaining d job as a Prefect^^
I have to admit itz been lonely without u around and i kinda miss d fact of it ><
But as long as ur'e happy...
Im happy^^
S0 ur senior didnt talk 2 u huh?
Nvm as long as ur partner got talk 2 u xDD
Anyway i'll giv sum shoutouts 2 my frens!!
Kylie: Dreams MAY cum true!!! xDDDD
Vanessa: Money cumin back!!
Wendy: Super Junior M rocks xDD btw duno dat 1 izzit reli Harvey @@
Meicheng: He didnt get kidnapped dun worry xDD btw dun cal him coca cola la xD
Kar-Ryn: Guess itz oni d both of us huh?
Kasturi: Dun worry, Be happy =D
Harinya: Felt sorry for u ><
Nicol: She didnt abandoned us la xD
Karen: Get over him!! @@