Friday, October 16, 2009

MuaHaha x)

Hey yo readers'! Miss me? xD *perasan-ing*

Anywayz...i curi curi on9 geh xD but ive studied all day~ so dun tink im lazy xD
Haiz...took me 2 whole days 2 memorise my moral >< definisi =".=">

anyways...i cant wait fr d Science n Maths exam xD 2 of mua fav subjects^^

And oh yea...not to mention~ d fun of not bring bored to death during exam xD
dat is being annoyed by Alvin
Not oni him~ but TatSheng as well!
If oni Vanessa cud help me xD but ltr she oso got into it xD
Cox now TatSheng n Nicholas calls her Rambutan xDD
so i guess i hafta deal everythin myself xD
But i hafta to admit~ itz kinda fun being annoyed once in awhile~
jus to take away d bored-ness~

Oh yea Kylie~ thx fr d family tree u cr8ted fr me xD
Itz reli complicated xD
and do you love my sketchin of Mr. Shitty-pose winning d award for best-shitter? xDDD

As for u MeichengxD im not done
...dealing wif u yet x)
These days i might b too busy for u...but i will b free soon...Muahaha xDD
btw u dun hafta search for Mr. K.L.'s pic di xD itz useless xDD
And i noe hu ur'e missin xDD

To Karen:
Itz ok...ur'e not dealing wif this dont b sad~ ill take dat sorrow away from u soon~ and even if i hafta go thru dis pain wif u~ ill do it~as lyk watcha said...ive known u for nearly 8 years~ so cheer up old pal' xD luk at d bright side~

And yo Kar-Ryn! Man egg rocks and dey are Yum Yum delicious xDDD

Hey Nicol babe' xD those unusual tingling feeling at my back dat u do as a hallo act each time great i guess xD Jus each time wen i have a conv wif u sure my jaws wil drop and you noe y xD

Watsup Wendy~ Luv Big Bang huh? xD so do i xDD no mor Harvey Norman? xDD well dat use to b fun~
addicted to BIG BANG!!!

well i guess datz all for now folks~
Tatas my lovely homosabians x)

-By Shenniwong-