Friday, September 25, 2009

Ov3rnit3 at KyLi3's Hs3!!

Went overnite at Kylie's hse yesterday! Well da reason i went thr is bcox my parents including my bro went 2 a Black Eyed Peas concert and left me alone~ not to mention da event was related to Arthur's Day...dun ask me what is it bcox i hav no idea myself xD so 18 and below was not alowed for da event as dey sell alcohol thr~~ and my parents estimation dat dey wud return at 3am ++... the end i end up at Kylie's hse xD

Well sry to bother ya Kylie!! and ur family as well...both of us partied(not reli) until 1:30 am xDD da best part was wen were editing fish's pic xDDD (shhh) laugh til our jaws hurt xDDD ill try and make dis post as short as possible bcox too lazy to write long long xDD so i'll let da pics do da bloggin xDD

Oh yeah...not to mention we were bored datz y played Black Jack xDD if hu lose drink 1 mouthful of water xDD i kept losing so in the end...TOILET HERE I CUM!! or else my bladder wud just burst lyk Mr. Loh xDD