Saturday, September 19, 2009

Majlis Perpisahan PRS~~

Itz fun and bored at da same time xD Karryn & I are da oni f1 thr ><
Da ceremony is started wif speeches from Pn Chang & Pn Teo~ then continued wif a dance along xD a reli funi 1 xD danced by Chun Yew, Poh San, Chiuk Yie, Kit Mun & Pek Ying...sum f5s were forced to b pulled up to stage especially Cing Cing xD me & Karryn hid in a corner so no one saw us xDD After that, there is games~ thr is two games~ da first game is u hafta find a partner of two...after that u and ur partner hafta hold hands and do limbo xD then ur partner hafta carry u and walk past sum rafia string maze...then ur partner's eyes wil b closed by da f4s and he/she will hafta draw ur lips wif da lipstick as perfect as he/she can...den after drawing da respective partner has to kiss on a mahjong paper xD well Karryn & I are partners...but we curi ayam xDD we didnt carry each other during da rafia string maze instead we jus hold hands and run...and not to mention my hand almost tore in half bcox Karryn was too anxious~

Da 2nd game was a fun one...thr is a punishment for dis game...wch is dance da chicken dance xD every1 has to form a big circle and in da circle thr has gotta b at least 4 holes...den da 1 beside da holes wil hafta stand up and go to da opposite side to drag a boy or girl to ur hole...once da music stops and ur not done u hafta go in da middle wif ur group and do da chicken dance xDD thr is no prizes given for these two games bcox every1 oso curi ayam xDD

Then itz time for food xD I was lyk starving cox didnt eat my breakfast...after that thr was performance by Chun Yew and da dance crew i jus mentioned earlier...Then it was our turn to sing!! i sang da best i cud xDD

Then it was da prize giving da starting of da event every1 was given a paper to vote for da Most Shy(f1), The Most Talkative one(f2), The Ice King(f3) & The Ice Queen(f3), The Most Friendly(f4) & The Best Screen Couple(f4), The Most Chubby(f5), The Nuts(f5), The Childish one(f5)...and da winners for those r...

The Most Shy - Me -.-
The Most Talkative one - Gan Jing Hui
The Ice King - Yin Kai Wei
The Ice Queen - Lau Hor Kuan
The Most Friendly - Ong Chun Yew
The Best Screen Couple - See Poh San & Ong Chun Yew
The Most Chubby - Tan Yee Wen
The Nuts - Chue Cheng Li
The Childish one - Yin Ying

Then it was da moment weve all been waiting for...wch is da pelantikan...well i dun wanna list it all out bcox itz alot and i dun reli rmb wch is wch... xD den da ceremony ended^^ camwhored wif Karryn~

-Then camwhored wen arrive home xD