Thursday, September 3, 2009

^ .^

Well dis might b da 2nd time c-ing all da 1a2-rers so hard-working and cooperative~ well not all of dem la~ mostly da boys jus sittin outside but oso considered cooperative cox not disturbing da working ones~ b4 i start i nid to giv a big thanks to Karen Kum, the cleanliness monitor for doing such a hard work for 1a2~ and i hafta say she reli put in alot of effort in decorating da class for da competition^^ not oni her but every1 hus involved in decorating da class~ and not to forget our lovely form teacher, Cik Inddu who also did lotz of stuff to decorate da class^^

Btw i also did sumthin ya noe! xD well i paste da flags on a rafia string wif karryn and also cut da flags and also paste da National Flower and help to hang da flag xD da fun part was pasting da flowers cox i get to stand on tables and chairs XD while i was busy doing my work, Vanessa, Meicheng and Nicholas were busy talkin bout da Fahrenheit poster at my file -.- Nicholas even took my file and show it to everyone asking wch one is da most handsome in da poster -.- so got quite a few holes di TT worst thing is my fav 1 wch is Calvin Chen's face got holse -.- Thx to dat Doraemon(Nicholas)...I shud ask his boyfriend, Alvin to teach him a lesson xD

Anyway jus hope that we will win for all da hardwork weve done~ but i had feeling it wud jus b 50-50...I heard other classes' wan oso not bad~ so it is a competitive one~and i tell u...i was freakin pissed off wif da boys in my class -.- not all but some~ dun wanna say hu...