Friday, August 7, 2009


Saw 'him' face 2 face bout 2 or 3 times especially during recess was da most fun^^ saw too much until he noticed me xD at long last...after hunting for his name for so long...i finally knew his name....^^ happy dou bao~ anyway 2day is jonathan n adelynn's bday~! happy birthday guys!! welcum to our 1a2 gang^^ at last u guys r thirteen!! vanessa suggested we all gave a suprise 2 her~ well im not gud at keeping secrets...well wat i meant is not dat i tell other ppl other ppl's secrets...itz jus dat i get 2 careless sumtimes~ bcox of dat kylie stepped my leg 3 times!! ouch ><

and yet again...i had lotsa fun chit chattin wif my best fren...THE DUSTBIN named bin bin XD bin bin was reli funny n entertaining...n charming too XDXD bin bin has a girlfriend named broom~ wch is ofcox nothing but a broom XD broom is reli pretty wif her short brown n dusty hair...n her stick body^^ n i will alwiz miss dem 4eva!!!