Sunday, July 12, 2009

Preparation of Exhibition Day!!

Went 2 skull at bout 8 in the morning...den first go 2 taekwondo club...for your info dat day thrz no training...we went thr 2 do preparation as well...haix nid 2 attend 2 clubs 2day...if added volleyball make it 3...but luckily volleyball wan i dun hafta attend^^thr was abit of fuss over at taekwondo thr...n christopher(our leader) was lyk soooo mad...bcox members started leaving...well i told him earlier dat sweelynn n i will b leaving for PRS at me leaving itz not part of da prob...xD taekwondo i duno wat they are tryin 2 do...dey make da room lyk pitch black ><

Anywayz...went 2 PRS's 1 at 12:30...saw every1 doing their work peacefully...unlike taekwondo xP full of screaming n scolding n shouting...ive been given a job 2 cut papers...den stick dem onto a polystrene box wch is karryn's job...den esther will cut dem out wif sum kinda machine(duno watz it by baterry)...

their all part of my hardwork!! XD no la...itz part of me, karryn n esther's hardwork...n esther did most of da job...^^

Went home after sweeping da whole dewan at bout 4:10 p.m.....but then melvin gave his job 2 mee...lazy fellow hahaz~