Saturday, July 4, 2009

Open Day 4/06/2009

Yea...Had a great Open Day...~! Lucky my mom was not so scary after taking report card...bcox b4 dat i 'rasuah' mr loh ask him talk gud gud stuff bout me XD jkjk...sum of da parents while wating luk so scary...Mr. Loh & Pn. Wendy gave us a little stuff 2 do...not a little actually XD
After recess, had da armchair competition...i am in da group named "Chipmunk" XDXD our members are Mii(Ketua) , Meicheng, Nadia, 'Pai Kwat" Alvin & Big Head Chee Tat n meicheng laugh mor den we do n nadia got fed up XDXD n da both of us fought alot wif mr pai kwat n mr big our group was not dat serious XDXD in da newspaper thr was a domino's pizza flyer XDXD da guy at da main page was freakin funny XDXDXDXD mr big head say wan order pizza XD in the end we didnt finish it bcox we were fooling around all the time XD
Haix...Guess I'm gonna miss Mr. Loh badly :(....Today's da last day dat wil b havin him as our form teacher...