Thursday, July 2, 2009

OffiCiAllY Da NeW MemBer of CluB PinG-PonG...!!!

Yay..~!! Jus joined da Pingpong club....n da teacher incharge is my form teacher^^ wch is Mr. Loh~! Xd i joined bcox of karen btw...n oso bcox of my lousy bat dat ive bought since primary skull n now it has spiderwebs grown on it XD so i tot of not wastin it...i joined ex-sports club was volleyball...but now im still da member of da volleyball club n oso da pingpong club...!! i noe im an active gurl^^ but...oni 3 girls attended on dat day...n even karen didnt went!! so da 2 other girls...duno watz their name...played together n left me staring at da guys playin...><>pisai means havin a competition...but after half an hour we asked dem again...n da same answer...and again...and again....but each single time we ask dem dey sure giv da same answer...dun tell me 1 competition last for almost 1 hour??!! Haix...itz been a while since ive wanted 2 play a good game of pingpong...n oso been lukin forward 2 it...but...haix!!
I still rmb in primary skull...i played alot wif meicheng...n we say itz turtle eggs XDXD we wasnt dat gud at dat time ofcox...da ball flew out da window alot of times XD so we laugh mor den we play...XD but i hop next week i get 2 snatch a table XD dun care if i hafta b rough!!
P.S - If anyone can help me plz tel XD