Friday, June 19, 2009

SkuLL Re0PeN~!!

Heya' Readers!! Im bak for mor blogging!! Skull reopened n ofcox...cant wait 2 meet my frens!! n thr's lotz of nonsense 2 chit-chat wif dem xD

15/06/2009 -

Finally...skull reopened!! Cant wait 2 c my lovely frens~~ n get a good laugh XD WOW....

*0* <<<>>> 0_0 after obtaining my GEOGRAFI paper....i dropped abit but at least itz still 'B' XD and im extremely glad!! Den bcum liddat again after obtaining Moral paper XD


Got reli scared wen wanna take my B.M. paper!! While waiting for teacher to announce da name... My heart beat-ed so fas~ But Helena cheered me up abit~ She's quite a good fren ya noe'!! So different from dat lobster(LESTER) sittin behind me!! He kip on making my head burn~ Felt lyk kicking his ass xP He kip on saying me...AT LAST!!! He got lower marks den me XD Datz da fact if sum1 tries to insult me XD jkjk.... Quite happy gettin my Science paper~ Increased abit XD Wen PJK... We played lyk mad XD We played volleyball....n man....was da ball hard!! Unfortunately no 1 noticed me n mc bcox all da while da ppl beside us n all da other 1's r gettin da ball we we called ourselves as
V.I.P - Very Invisible Person
R.I.P - Roar In Peace
XD nice ryte? we also cr8ted a dance XD And after all that 'hard work' last da ball is cumin 2 us XDXD Anyway hear Mr. Loh's nagging again wen maths XD

17/06/2009 -


I went to skull early for a quiz competition....den saw Wendy, Meicheng n Kar-Ryn at da library...YES....their on duty 2day....I oso can c Mr. Flower n Wendy's grandfather over thr XD After saw Vanessa n Joo Ann at da English & Debating Society club i went thr n 'pat' den wen they were debating i fell asleep XD
Discussed moral n sejarah...Thr's teacher's meeting after recess so all da girls hadda wait at da Bengkel K.H. for almost half an hour!! But we had lotsa fun!!! Da funniest thing was we saw a small bug....n we say it was Mr. Loh XD Cute Bug XD Den i accidentally squashed it XDXD dey all say i killed Mr. Loh XDXD But im innocent u noe?? So those crazy ppl did a small funeral for 'it'...But i ruined it again XDXD Saw CWJ...He was walking bak n forth wif his fren to da toilet...n Kylie told me she saw him peeking in da girls toilet?! OMG... HATE SENI!!!!!!!!

19/06/2009 -

Went 2 skull extremely early for photo shoot for taekwondo~ den came vanessa....YAY~! Thank god she's thr...If not ill hafta b waiting thr until 12 sumthin~!! we chit-chatted a lot of nonsense n funi stuff~ Had PRS meeting at 1.00p.m..... Iwas suppose to attend another quiz dat day n time...but dey said dey wanna discuss bout HARI PAMERAN so i hadda go... den saw Liow Kai Li... She said dat i can go n take it after da meeting so woohoo!!
At da first period...I ran here n thr lukin for people.... XD dat Isa reli damn useless....ask him to go giv Mr. Loh attendance at 2a8 but he asked me to go instead.... Duno wat kind of ketua he is~ Got bak siviks paper....n my expression was ^_^ XD not least im impressed~ Had a great time during Science, Maths n Geografi lesson!!!

Anywayz thrz skull 2moro so if thr's anything ill upload for YOU!!! BB~!