Friday, January 30, 2009

My New Skull Life!!

Well...Im turning 13 dis year n...ofcourse life's mor difficult den i thought in my secondary skull....which is SMK Sri Sentosa!! It'z nt a bad skull bt...da teacher's there are extremely strict and sometimes kind!! Most of my primary skull frenz attend da same skull as me! YAY!! And ofcourse i had some new frenz as well and most of them are friendly^^Example of da new frenz i met are...GIRLS: Vanessa, Lee Mun Mun, Swee Lin, and a few indian girls(4gt their names sry). There we're sum new boys as well but their all a pain in da butt!!! My Great Form Teacher is Mr. Loh which is da person i respect da most!! He's kinda strict but if you would know him better i'm sure you'll get a liking out of him^^ Dat'z wat happened to me!! Da sad thing is dat sum of my dearest friends hav moved to another class T.T I extremely pity them because there are many "HAM SAP LOU" in their class...HAHAX XD!! Sum of my friends especially meicheng aka kucing, karryn and wendy woon aka wendy wu the homecoming warrior has been insulting me for da past few days all because of a boy dat sits behind me in class == There is also two "MPH" boys from da next class who got themselves involved!! But i just hafta deal wif dem as i dun hav many choice!!